Development model

Last week making a design development model to analyse the relationship between the fronts and backs of properties and what affect this may have its surrounding context. Whilst visiting Berwick I noticed that these relationships of front and back seemed different to the usual layout of properties.   Green represents where I have been unable to define front or back. Pink displays the back and blue is front.   From this model it has allowed me to consider the conditions that has created an how I could develop on this within my project. I have also began looking into what constructs … Continue reading Development model

Memory Testing

Memory Testing   Recently my Nan has been undergoing some tests for her memory. I was thinking while my nan has been undergoing this process of how we could learn and build on this process. The NHS states that there is no single test for dementia. A diagnosis is based on a combination of assessments and tests. These may be done by a GP or a specialist at a memory clinic or hospital. The tests for diagnosing dementia: History steps Step 1: The GP starting by taking the history, when the symptoms started and how they are affecting day to … Continue reading Memory Testing